Calling All Writers – Send Us Your Questions!

Do you have Post-it notes and random pieces of scratch paper scribbled with writerly unknowns strewn across your desk? Send your questions our way.

As 2024 inches closer to 2025 (already?!), many of us writers entered this year feeling overwhelmed with unknowns, doubts, and questions about the state of our writing practice, process, and career, and most likely will enter 2025 shrouded in mystery. 

Many contemplate if their personal approach to writing is really the ticket, how to set realistic goals and deadlines, best pitching tactics, how to get the most out of feedback, how to tackle another rewrite, realistic time management, how to set boundaries, overcoming self-doubt, finding motivation to roll out of bed and write, and so much more. Where to turn to?

Enter Called to Write writing coach and Script magazine contributor Jenna Avery. With her popular column “Ask the Coach” she dives head-on on compassionately and earnestly answering writers’ questions with strategies, tips and tricks from her toolbox, and trusted industry insiders.

This kind of sought-out “quick” professional advice is hard to come by. More often than not, it comes at a hefty price point (either monetary and/or emotional tax). But here at Script - it’s FREE! And any questions you submit have the option of being 100% anonymous.

So, writers, do you have Post-it notes and random pieces of scratch paper scribbled with writerly unknowns strewn across your desk? Send your questions our way. No question is too big, too small, or stupid. And just like the stories you’re writing; your question will most likely resonate with hundreds of other writers seeking an answer to a similar inquiry.

Have a question you’re ready to submit?

Submitting is easy!

Send an email directly to writing coach Jenna Avery directly at:

Or submit your questions anonymously via this online form.

What's next?

Jenna Avery considers every question submitted and will choose based on which question to address that seems most universal to the writing community at large.

Submit away, your question may be featured in an upcoming “Ask the Coach” post!

Top screenwriting and film publication, founded in 1989, published by Active Interest Media. Twitter: @scriptmag