Screenwriting Website of the Week: Bang2Write

Congratulations to our new screenwriting website of the week, Bang2Write. Lucy V. Hay is a novelist, script editor, screenwriter, blogger, and one of the organizers of London Screenwriters’ Festival and…

Congratulations to our new screenwriting website of the week, Bang2Write. Lucy V. Hay is a novelist, script editor, screenwriter, blogger, and one of the organizers of London Screenwriters’ Festival and associate producer of Brit Thriller ‘Deviation’, starring Danny Dyer and Anna Walton.

Lucy has read for indie prodcos, screen agencies, investment initiatives and directors, producers, writers and filmmakers far and wide. Her debut novel, ‘But What Next?’ has been bought by Rowohlt Publishers, Germany.

Peek into Lucy's fantastic screenwriting blog and be sure to follow her on Twitter at @Bang2Write. She is an active participant, highly respected, and has great industry insight.

Top screenwriting and film publication, founded in 1989, published by Active Interest Media. Twitter: @scriptmag