TV Writer Podcast 124 – Lee Jessup (Career Coach, Author)
This week, host Gray Jones interviews screen & TV writer career coach Lee Jessup, who recently published the book “Getting It Write: An Insider’s Guide to a Screenwriting Career”.
This week, host Gray Jones interviews screen & TV writer career coach Lee Jessup, who recently published the book Getting It Write: An Insider's Guide to a Screenwriting Career.
Lee Jessup is a career coach for professional and emerging screenwriters, a twice-published, best-selling author, who has served as consultant for Universal’s Writers Program, NBC International, and Final Draft’s Big Break contest. Lee’s clients include writers who have major spec, pilot and pitch sales under their belts, staffed TV writers, TV writing program fellows, writers named to The Hit List, The Blood List, The Young & Hungry List and The Black List, major contest winners, as well as writers just beginning to chart their professional course.
Lee is the author of Breaking In: Tales From The Screenwriting Trenches (Focal Press) And Getting It Write: An Insider’s Guide To A Screenwriting Career (MWP). Just click on the links to buy these excellent books on Amazon!
Her professional background includes a stint as a working screenwriter, a development executive, and the director of Lee has appeared in countless screenwriting conferences and panels domestically, abroad, and online, and has been the interview subject of countless podcasts. Never too far from the industry, She resides in Los Angeles with her family.
Follow Lee on Twitter: @LeeZJessup
Visit Lee's website:
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Buy Gray’s book for only $4.99! Look for it on Amazon – How To Break In To TV Writing: Insider Interviews.
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In his podcast, TV editor/writer Gray Jones profiles television producers and writers, authors, educators, and other industry personnel of interest to TV writers. The purpose of the interviews is to educate and inspire writers of all levels, to raise the profile of existing television writers, to introduce helpful resources, and to aid in career development. Gray's also the author of the book How To Break In To TV Writing: Insider Interviews. His podcast is released in video format, though an audio-only version is available through Podbean and Spotify. The podcast website at has many helpful resources, including links to free scripts and a Twitter database. Twitter: @GrayJones - Instagram: @grahamajones and @tvwriterpodcast