Ashley Scott Meyers talks with Novelist Justin Sloan about how an indie author can take a book from idea to sale.

In this episode Ashley Scott Meyers talks with Novelist Justin Sloan about how an indie author can take a book from idea to sale.

Justin Sloan is a prolific writer of Fantasy and Sci-Fi novels available for the Amazon Kindle and audiobook, some titles include "Prime Evil" and the "Star Legacy" book series.

This guest was also on Ep. 131 of the Selling Your Screenplay Podcast. You can listen to that episode here:

You can also read a transcript of this episode.

Links mentioned in the show:

Learn more about novel writing in Writer's Digest University's online class, 12 Weeks to a First Draft

Ashley Scott Meyers is a screenwriter and blogger / podcaster. Since beginning his career as a screenwriter in the late 1990’s he’s optioned more than two dozen feature screenplays and sold a half dozen. And he’s done it all without an agent or manager, instead opting to use his pragmatic screenplay marketing guide which he teaches at