Screenwriting Webinar: How to Sell Your Film & TV Scripts: Treatments, Loglines, Synopses & Marketing Platforms
How to Sell Your Film & TV Scripts: Treatments, Loglines, Synopses & Marketing Platforms At a Glance Session Duration: 75 minutes INSTRUCTOR: Wendy Kram is a respected, active producer, working…
At a Glance
- Discover the tools that you need to break into the marketplace and sell your work.
- Learn how to write a successful treatment & the differences between a one-page synopsis, treatment, and coverage.
- Find out how to use social media, picture books or sizzle reels to market your work.
Session Duration: 75 minutes
INSTRUCTOR: Wendy Kram is a respected, active producer, working with hundreds of writers through consultations as well as studio and network deals. Her credits include MAD MONEY with Diane Keaton, Queen Latifah, and Katie Holmes, the award-winning miniseries SALLY HEMINGS: AN AMERICAN SCANDAL with Sam Neill, and MAKING MR. RIGHT with Dean Cain for Lifetime. Wendy has developed and produced projects with Oscar talent at Universal, Disney, Warner Brothers, HBO, Showtime, ABC, NBC, and CBS. She recently closed three six-figure deals for writing clients Troy Hunter and Geof Miller. Wendy’s clients currently have deals with CBS, Out of the Blue, Gran Via Productions, and Sony Television Studios. Known for sharp insights about the market place, strong creative instincts, and A-list connections, she provides insider tools to advance your projects and careers. Wendy is also the owner L.A. FOR HIRE, an entertainment consulting company that assists international screenwriters and filmmakers elevate their material and make Hollywood connections.
You’ve written a great script or optioned an amazing story. Now, how do you get it into the marketplace? Executives and agents receive thousands of submissions every year. How do you distinguish yours from the crowd? What tools can you use to get their attention and read your script? Loglines, phone pitches, in-person pitches, selling pages and treatments are your gateway to the Hollywood decision-makers.
This live webinar will teach you about these tools in order to increase your chances of selling your project, attaching key elements and getting it made.
The webinar will cover appropriate tools for the following formats: Features, TV Series -- Half-Hour Comedies, One-Hour Dramas, and Reality Shows
- Marketing tools to help sell your project.
- Ways to organize your thoughts to deliver a killer pitch.
- Secrets to creating great loglines and treatments.
- Brand-building & highlighting the most saleable aspects of your project.
- How to create an exciting visual presentation to entice buyers & talent.
- Screenwriters, directors, and producers looking for tools to help sell their projects and increase their chances of breaking into the industry.
- Writers who want to fine-tune a treatment to attract a studio or network buyer.
- Writers tired of not getting results and requests from their loglines.
- Writers planning on submitting their work.
- Writers looking to create a tight logline.
- Writers who attend pitchfests and need one-sheets.
- Writers who want to learn how to make a great first impression.
- Writers looking to find out what executives are looking for.

Top screenwriting and film publication, founded in 1989, published by Active Interest Media. Twitter: @scriptmag