The Scoggins Report: December 2012 Pitch Sales Scorecard

The Scoggins Report is a compilation of sales and trends in the industry. The Report is reprinted on by permission of the authors. The Scoggins Reportby Jason Scoggins &…

The Scoggins Report is a compilation of sales and trends in the industry. The Report is reprinted on by permission of the authors.

The Scoggins Report
by Jason Scoggins & Cindy Kaplan
December 10, 2012

December 2012
Pitch Sales Scorecard

Like last year at this time, we’re itching to start doing year-end analyses and wrap-ups of the spec and pitch markets. But like last year, we’re holding off until after the holiday. True, Hollywood’s going to start shutting down in about a week and not much new business will get done in the pitch market between now and then. But there are always a few pitch announcements that pop up in the last couple of weeks of the year, and most of the buyer and seller races are still too close to call.

After all, look at the difference between this Pitch Scorecard and the last one: Seven pitch sales have been announced in the past four weeks, despite Thanksgiving and the slow holiday period. It’s a been a damned good month, and the rest of December is as likely to follow suit as not.

If you really need a Top 10 list fix, here’s one to tide you over: Jason did a “2012 Black List Prediction” post yesterday that you can check out here. It’s a list of the Top 10 Specs of 2012 according to , the new spec script coverage library he and his partners launched last week. It’s pretty cool.

Enjoy the grids.

Overall Pitch Numbers

Here are overall pitch sales numbers through December 10 on their own...

...and here are combined spec and pitch sales numbers for the same period.

Pitch Sales By Genre

Pitch Sales By Buyer - Studios

Here are the combined pitch and spec purchase numbers for studios that have bought at least one of each:

Pitch Sales By Buyer - Other Buyers

Here are the combined pitch and spec purchase numbers for other buyers that have bought at least one of each:

Each of the following production companies has been attached to at least one pitch sale so far this year. Companies in bold are new or were attached to an additional pitch sale since the last scorecard.


Akil Productions

Atlas Entertainment

Bluegrass Films (2)

Branded Films (2)

Break Media

Captivate Entertainment


Chris Morgan Productions

Di Novi Pictures

Disruption Entertainment

Electronic Arts

Escape Artists

Fake Empire

Four By Two Films (2)

Gary Sanchez Productions (2)

Grady Twins Productions

Gran Via

Hartbeat Productions

JC23 Entertainment


Infinitum Nihil

Invention Films

Katzsmith Productions

LBI Entertainment

Langley Park

Mandeville (2)

Mark Gordon Company (2)


Our Stories Films

Overbrook Entertainment

Original Film

Palermo Productions

Panay Films

Platinum Dunes

Point Grey Pictures

Rickard Pictures

Roth Films (2)

Ryan Murphy Productions

Smart Entertainment

Strange Weather Films

Vertigo Entertainment (2)

Viking Funeral

The Walsh Co.

Whitaker Entertainment

Wild West Picture Show

Wonderland Sound & Vision

Pitch Sales by Seller - Agencies

Here are the combined pitch and spec sales numbers for agencies that have sold at least one of each:

The following 92 agents have been involved with at least one pitch sale in 2012. People in bold are new or sold an additional pitch since the last scorecard.


Mike Esola (WME)


Sharon Jackson (WME)


Bill Zotti (CAA)

Ida Ziniti (Paradigm)

Jeff Gorin (WME)

Kimberly Bialek (WME)

Sarah Self (WME)


Adam Venit (WME)

Ari Greenburg (WME)

Billy Hawkins (CAA)

Blake Fronstin (WME)

Bryan Besser (Verve)

Danny Gabai (WME)

David Karp (WME)

David Kramer (UTA)

Geoff Morely (UTA)

Jason Burns (UTA)

Julien Thuan (UTA)

Two (con’t):

Matt Rosen (CAA)

Rowena Arguelles (CAA)

Simon Faber (WME)

Trevor Astbury (Paradigm)

Todd Hoffman (ICM)

Valarie Phillips (Paradigm)


Abram Nalibotsky (Gersh)

Adam Weinstein (Verve)

Adriana Alberghetti (WME)

Allan Haldeman (UTA)

Andrea Nelson-Meigs (ICM)

Bayard Maybank (Gersh)

Bill Weinstein (Verve)

Blair Johan (UTA)

Bob Hohman (Gersh)

Brett Loncar (CAA)

Brian DePersia (WME)

Brian Kend (CAA)

Bryan Diperstein (ICM)

Charles King (WME)

Charlie Ferraro (UTA)

Chris Von Goetz (ICM)

Christopher Smith (Paradigm)

Cliff Roberts (WME)

Cori Wellins (WME)

Dan Erlij (UTA)

Dan Rabinow (CAA)

Danny Greenberg (WME)

Daniel Cohan (WME)

Dave Wirtschafter (WME)

Devra Lieb (Gersh)

Dianne McGunigle (CAA)

Elia Infascelli-Smith (WME)

Emile Gladstone (ICM)

Eric Garfinkel (Gersh)

Erin Junkin (WME)

Esther Newberg (ICM)

Greg Cavic (CAA)

Greg Hodes (WME)

Hanley Baxter (WME)

Jason Hayman (CAA)

Jay Baker (CAA)

Jay Mandel (WME)

Jeremy Zimmer (UTA)

Jessica Kovacevic (WME)

Joe Cohen (CAA)

John Burnham (ICM)

Jon Levin (CAA)

Josie Freedman (ICM)

Kevin Huvane (CAA)

Larry Salz (UTA)

Lisa Harrison (WME)

Mark Ross (Paradigm)

Martin Lesak (CAA)

Matt Rice (UTA)

Michael Sheresky (UTA)

Melissa Myers (WME)

Nick Stevens (WME)

Nicole Clemens (ICM)

Philip D’Amecourt (WME)

Ramses Ishak (UTA)

Rebecca Ewing (UTA)

Rich Cook (WME)

Rob Herting (Verve)

Robert Bookman (CAA)

Robert Lazar (ICM)

Ryan Saul (APA)

Scott Carr (UTA)

Scott Greenberg (CAA)

Spencer Baumgarten (CAA)

Stephanie Ritz (WME)

Steve Smooke (CAA)

Susie Fox (CAA)

Tim Phillips (UTA)

Pitch Sales by Seller - Management Companies

Here are the combined pitch and spec sales for management companies that have sold at least one of each in 2012.

The following 52 managers have been involved with at least one pitch sale in 2012. People in bold are new or sold an additional pitch since the last scorecard.


Brooklyn Weaver (Energy)


Britton Rizzio (Circle)


Allen Fischer (PYE)


Aaron Kaplan (K/P)

Dallas Sonnier (Caliber)

Guymon Casady (Mgmt 360)

Josh Adler (New Wave)

Joy Gorman (Anonymous)

Mike Goldberg (New Wave)

Paul Young (PYE)

Peter McHugh (Gotham)

Sean Perrone (K/P)


Adam Goldworm (Aperture)

Adam Kossack (Anonymous)

Adam Marshall (Caliber)

Adam Schulman (Anonymous)

Alex Lerner (K/P)

Angelina Chen (Energy)

Bob Sobhani �� (Magnet)

Brad Mendelsohn (Circle)

Chris Fenton (H2F)

Darin Friedman (Mgmt 360)

David Becky (3 Arts)

David Milner (3 Arts)

E. Brian Dobbins (PYE)

Elana Barry (Anonymous)

Ellen Goldsmith-Vein (Gotham)

Eryn Brown (Mgmt 360)

George Heller (Apostle)

Glenn Rigberg (Inphenate)

Gregory Shephard (Circle)

Greg Walter (3 Arts)

Jeff Silver (Fourth Floor)

Jennie Frisbie (Magnet)

Jeremy Platt (Generate)

Jess Rosenthal (Industry)

Jesse Hara (Haven)

Josh Lieberman (3 Arts)

Julian Rosenberg (Caliber)

Jill McElroy (Mgmt 360)

Kailey Marsh (Station3)

Larry Kennar

Margaret Riley (Brillstein)

Michael Lasker (Mosaic)

Molly Mandel (Mosaic)

Peter Principato (PYE)

Rich Demato

Shawn Simon (Gotham)

Stacy Abrams

Susan Solomon (PYE)

Tom Drumm (Safran)

Zach Tann (Magnet)

About The Scoggins Report:

The Scoggins Report is a terribly unscientific analysis of the feature film development business based on information assembled from a variety of public and non-public sources. The numbers in the reports are by no means official statistics. Caveat emptor. Mol??n labé.

Top screenwriting and film publication, founded in 1989, published by Active Interest Media. Twitter: @scriptmag