The Scoggins Report: 2012 Spec Market Scorecard

The Scoggins Reportby Jason Scoggins & Cindy KaplanDecember 18, 2012 2012 Spec Market Scorecard as of December 17, 2012 Congratulations to all the writers and reps whose material made it…

The Scoggins Report
by Jason Scoggins & Cindy Kaplan
December 18, 2012

2012 Spec Market Scorecard

as of December 17, 2012

Congratulations to all the writers and reps whose material made it onto the 2012 Black List and Hit List! Both lists dropped over the past couple of days and we’ve been feverishly cross-referencing our grids against them ever since. We’ve also gone back through and double-checked all of our various year-to-date tallies, and their are changes throughout this week’s updated Spec Market Scorecard.

We still have some research to do on a dozen or so Black List scripts, but all of the Hit List’s scripts are now represented in our numbers. So far, we’ve added 14 scripts that were on the DL over the past twelve months, including 4 spec sales that hadn’t previously been reported.

Like last year, we’re going to hold off doing year-end analyses and assembling Top 5 Buyers and Sellers lists until after the holidays. With the exception of the #1 MP Lit Agency (it’s WME, by a mile), each of the other positions on those lists could change with a couple of spec sales, and there are always a couple of sales announcements in the few days following the release of the Black List.

We’re planning to go ahead and publish during each of the next two weeks, but as a concession to the way the holidays fall this year we’ll probably do so on Wednesday or Thursday instead of Monday. For now, enjoy the nearly-complete year-to-date numbers on the grids below, and merry Christmas, whether you celebrate it or not.

2012 Overall Numbers

The first grid below shows numbers for this year’s Spec Market (that is, sales of scripts that originally went out this year). As shown in the second grid,22 scripts have sold this year that originally went out prior to 2012.

Here are the spec sales numbers through December 17 on their own...

...and here are combined total spec and pitch sales numbers for the same period.

Spec Sales By Genre (sold/total)

Each cell in the below grid shows the number of specs in each genre that came out and/or sold that month, plus the number that sold that month that originally came out in years prior. The column on the right shows the percentage of total 2012 spec sales.

Spec Sales By Buyer - Studios

Here are the combined pitch and spec purchase numbers for the studios that have bought at least one of each:

Spec Sales By Buyer - Other Buyers

Here are the combined numbers for spec and pitch sales by non-studio buyers that have bought at least one of each:

Each of the following production companies has been attached to at least one spec sale so far this year. Companies in bold are new since the last scorecard.

21 Laps

Allegiance Theater

Allison Shearmur Productions

Anonymous Content (4)

Arad Productions

ArieScope Pictures

Bad Robot (3)

Barnstorm Pictures



Bluegrass Films

Blumhouse Productions

Bobker/Kruger Films

Chernin Entertainment

Chockstone Pictures

Circle of Confusion

Content Engine

Conundrum Entertainment

Davis Entertainment (2)

Disruption Entertainment

DMG Entertainment (2)


Energy Independent (5)

Evil Twins

Film 44

Film Rites

Flashlight Films

Gran Via Productions

Henceforth Pictures

Imagine Entertainment

In Cahoots Productions

Inferno Entertainment


KatzSmith Productions

Langley Park

LBI Entertainment

Leverage Entertainment

Londinium Films

Mad Chance Productions

Madhouse Entertainment

Magnet Management

Mandalay Pictures

Marc Platt Productions

Material Pictures

Matt Tolmach Productions

Michael De Luca Productions (2)

Montecito Picture Company


Movie Package Company

Mythology Entertainment

Nick Wechsler Productions

Oasis Media Group

Original Film (2)

Pacific Standard


Payam Films

Pearl Street Films

Phantom Four

Platinum Dunes (2)

Prime Universe

Quadrant Pictures

Radiant Productions

Rain Management Group

Robert Cort Prods

Roth Films

Ruby Films

Scott Rudin Productions

Scott Sanders Productions

Silver Pictures

South Creek Pictures

Strike Entertainment

Sunnyfield Productions

Sunswept Entertainment

The Mark Gordon Co.

Underground Film and Mgmt


Valiant Entertainment

Vertigo Entertainment (2)

Vinson Films

Weston Pictures

Wild West Productions


Witten Pictures

Wonderland Sound and Vision

Spec Sales by Seller - Agencies (sold/total)

Each cell in the below grid shows the number of specs each agency took out and/or sold that month, plus the number it sold that month it took out in prior years. The efficiency rating shows the percentage of scripts taken out this year that have sold.

Here are the combined spec and pitch sales numbers for the agencies that have sold at least one of each:

The following 111 agents have been involved with at least one spec sale in 2012:


Charlie Ferraro (UTA)


Chris Sablan (Original)

Jordan Bayer (Original)

Matt Leipzig (Original)

Mike Esola (WME)


Daniel Cohan (WME)

Rich Cook (WME)


Bayard Maybank (Gersh)

David Boxerbaum (Paradigm)

David Karp (WME)

David Stone (WME)

Devra Lieb (Gersh)

Ida Ziniti (Paradigm)


Adam Levine (Verve)

Bill Weinstein (Verve)

Chris Ridenhour (APA)

Max Michael (UTA)

Philip d’Amecourt (WME)

Tim Phillips (UTA)


Bill Zotti (CAA)

Bob Hohman (Gersh)

Bryan Besser (Verve)

Cliff Roberts (WME)

Craig Brody (CAA)

Danny Greenberg (WME)

David Saunders (APA)

Emerson Davis (UTA)

Greg Hodes (WME)

Joseph Cohen (CAA)

Julien Thuan (UTA)

Keya Khayatian (UTA)

Lars Theriot (ICM)

Lee Keele (Gersh)

Mark Ross (Paradigm)

Michael Sheresky (UTA)

Ramses Ishak (UTA)

Rob Herting (Verve)

Roger Green (WME)

Ryan Saul (APA)

Stuart Manashil (CAA)

Trevor Astbury (Paradigm)

Will Lowery (APA)


Aaron Hart (Verve)

Adam Kanter (CAA)

Adam Weinstein (ICM)

Adriana Alberghetti (WME)

Amanda Urban (ICM)

Andrew Cannava (UTA)

Barbara Dreyfus (UTA)

Beth Swofford (CAA)

Brian Kend (CAA)

Brian Pike (CAA)

Bryan Diperstein (ICM)

Caren Bohrman (Bohrman)

Carolyn Sivitz (UTA)

Chris Donnelly (WME)

Chris Till (CAA)

Cori Wellins (WME)

Dan Rabinow (CAA)

Dan Vantresca (Gersh)

Danny Gabai (WME)

Dar Rollins (ICM)

David Park (UTA)

Debbie Deuble-Hill (APA)

Emile Gladstone (ICM)

Geoff Morley (UTA)

Greg McKnight (CAA)

Greg Pedicin (Gersh)

Harley Copen (ICM)

Holly Jeter (WME)

Jacqueline Sacerio (CAA)

James Kearney (UTA)

Jason Burns (UTA)

Jeff Gorin (WME)

Jim Gosnell (APA)

John Garvey (CAA)

Jon Huddle (UTA)

Kathleen Remington (ICM)

Kimberly Hodgert (CAA)

Lee Cohen (Paradigm)

Lisa Harrison (WME)

Marc Korman (WME)

Marissa Devins (UTA)

Martin Spencer (CAA)

Matt Rice (UTA)

Matt Rosen (CAA)

Micah Green (CAA)

Nicole Clemens (ICM)

Nigel Meiojas (ICM)

Rand Holston (CAA)

Rebecca Ewing (UTA)

Richard Lovett (CAA)

Rick Rosen (WME)

Rob Carlson (WME)

Robert Bookman (CAA)

Ron Bernstein (ICM)

Sarah Self (WME)

Scott Greenberg (CAA)

Sean Barclay (Gersh)

Sharon Jackson (WME)

Sheryl Peterson (APA)

Simon Faber (WME)

Spencer Baumgarten (CAA)

Tanya Cohen (Paradigm)

Ted Chervin (ICM)

Theresa Kang (WME)

Todd Feldman (CAA)

Todd Hoffman (ICM)

Valarie Phillips (Paradigm)

Zach Carlisle (Verve)

Zach Druker �� (WME)

Spec Sales by Seller -

Management Companies (sold/total)

Each cell in the below grid shows the number of specs each management company took out and/or sold that month, plus the number it sold that month that it took out in years prior. The efficiency rating shows the percentage of scripts taken out this year that have sold.

Here are the combined spec and pitch numbers for the management companies that have sold at least one of each:

The following 94 individual managers have been involved with at least one spec sale:


Brooklyn Weaver (Energy)


Josh Adler (New Wave)

Mike Goldberg (New Wave)


Aaron Kaplan (Kaplan/Perrone)

Adam Kolbrenner (Madhouse)


Bard Dorros (Anonymous)

Jonathan Hung (Hung)

Will Rowbotham (Prolific)


Adam Marshall (Caliber)

Britton Rizzio (Circle/Confusion)

Chris Cook (Madhouse)

Chris Fenton (DMG/H2F)

Darin Friedman (Mgmt 360)

Jake Weiner (Benderspink)

Kailey Marsh (Station 3)

Michael Lasker (Mosaic)

Noah Rosen (Circle/Confusion)

Steve Golin (Anonymous)


Adam Goldworm (Aperture)

Alan Gasmer (Gasmer/Friends)

Alex Goldstone (Anonymous)

Alex Lerner (Kaplan/Perrone)

Alix Madigan (Anonymous)

Andrew Deane (Industry)

Andy Cohen (Grade A)

Ashley Berns (Circle/Confusion)

Benjamin Rowe (Oasis)

Bethany Stirdivant (Bookends)

Bob Sobhani (Magnet)

Brian Lutz

Bryan Brucks (Luber-Roklin)

Chad Snopek

Chris Bender (Benderspink)

Chris Huvane (Mgmt 360)

Christopher Pratt (Elements)

Dallas Sonnier (Caliber)

Daniel Rappoport (Mgmt 360)

Dannie Festa (Festa)

Dave Brown (Untitled)

David Engel (Circle/Confusion)

David Lonner (Oasis)

Dick Hillenbrand (Heroes & Villains)

Elana Barry (Anonymous)

Eric Williams (Zero Gravity)

Eryn Brown (Industry)

George Heller (Apostle)

Greg Walters (3 Arts)

JC Spink (Benderspink)

Jake Wagner (Benderspink)

Jane Cameron (Cameron’s)

Jeff Silver (Fourth Floor)

Jennie Frisbie (Magnet)

Jennifer Levine (Untitled)

Jenny Wood (Elevate)

Jeremy Bell (Gotham)

Jess Rosenthal (Industry)

Jesse Silver (Mindframe)

Jewerl Ross (Silent R)

Jim Wedaa (Parallax)

Josh Goldenberg (Kaplan/Perrone)

Josh McGuire (Underground)

Kathy Muraviov (The Muraviov Co.)

Kelly Roberts (Anonymous)

Kendrick Tan (Madhouse)

Langley Perer (Mosaic)

Lawrence Mattis (Circle/Confusion)

Lee Stollman (Gotham)

Lindsay Williams (Gotham)

Marc Manus (Manus Ent.)

Markus Goerg (Heroes & Villains)

Marti Blumenthal (59 Management)

Mason Novick (MXN)

Michael Botti (Industry)

Michael Sugar (Anonymous)

Michelle Knudsen (MXN)

Mikhail Nayfeld (Heroes & Villains)

Mikkel Bondesen (UFUSE)

Missy Malkin (Brillstein)

Nick Fariabi (Mindframe)

Nicole Romano (Anonymous)

Patrick Ewald (Brucks)

Paul Young (Principato Young)

Peter Principato (Principato Young)

Rich Freeman (Code)

Rosalie Swedlin (Anonymous)

Sara Bottfeld (Industry)

Sean Perrone (Kaplan/Perrone)

Seth Jaret (ContentEngine)

Stephen Gates (Evolution)

Stephen Marks (Evolution)

Tom Drumm (The Safran Co.)

Trevor Adley (Anonymous)

Zach Tann (Magnet)

Zachary Cox (Circle/Confusion)

About The Scoggins Report:

The Scoggins Report is a terribly unscientific analysis of the feature film development business based on information assembled from a variety of public and non-public sources. The numbers in the reports are by no means official statistics. Caveat emptor. Mol?n labé.

Top screenwriting and film publication, founded in 1989, published by Active Interest Media. Twitter: @scriptmag