WRITER’S EDGE: Your Marketing Strategy
You need marketing strategy after you’ve written several screenplays. Target production companies that made the same kind of movies that you’ve written.
Steve Kaire is a Screenwriter/Pitchman who’s sold eight projects to the major studios without representation. Follow Steve on Twitter @SteveKaire.
You must have a marketing strategy after you’ve written several screenplays. I’m assuming the scripts have been formatted correctly and are as tight as they can be regarding plot, characterization, realistic dialogue, etc.
You need to target the production companies that have produced the same kind of movies that you’ve written. You’ll be able to tell by looking at each company’s credits and choose the ones that have produced the same genres as your material.
The Hollywood Creative Directory used to be the bible of the industry as far as having the best contact list for production companies. Unfortunately, their hardcover and online editions have gone out of business although I’ve heard that the Writer’s Store still carries them. If you can’t get a new edition from them, it still may be possible to get a copy of a hardcover edition that is a few years old. If that’s your only choice, I would still purchase it since most of the information will still be valid.
If you can’t get any copy of the Hollywood Creative Directory, I recommend IMDB Pro. It requires a monthly fee to access the same kinds of information online. In addition to the basic contact information such as address, phone numbers and previous company credits, you’ll want a listing of executives and their positions in the company. You should email your query letter to story editors, creative executives and development executives. I offer a Query Letter Service on my website which tells you how to professionally format the letter and exactly what to say line by line.
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STEVE KAIRE is a Screenwriter/Pitchman who’s sold 8 projects to the major studios without representation. The last project he sold, he’s Co-Producing for Walden Media. A screenwriter for over 30 years, he holds a Masters in Dramatic Writing and has taught writing classes at the American Film Institute. Steve was featured on the Tonight Show’s, “Pitching to America” and was voted a Star Speaker at Screenwriters Expo three years in a row. His top rated CD, High Concept - How to Create, Pitch & Sell to Hollywood is a best seller.