The Scoggins Report: August 2013 Pitch Market Scorecard
The Scoggins Reportby Jason Scoggins & Landon RohwedderAugust 12, 2013 August 2013Pitch Market Scorecard Since we’ve still got summer on the brain, we’ll keep this week’s intro tight and go…
The Scoggins Report
by Jason Scoggins & Landon Rohwedder
August 12, 2013
August 2013
Pitch Market Scorecard
Since we’ve still got summer on the brain, we’ll keep this week’s intro tight and go straight to the bullet points. Here are the big takeaways from the Pitch Market since last month’s Pitch Scorecard:
- A remarkable 9 projects that have been set up in the past four weeks.
- July’s pitch sale tally matched 2012’s solid number, and August has a good shot at following suit or even beating last year’s number.
- Six of the nine pitch sales went to studios, including one each to Sony and Warner Bros., plus one each to studios who hadn’t made it on the list yet this year, Relativity and Nickelodeon Original Movies.
We don’t want to jinx anything, but there’s still no reason to think 2013’s Pitch Market can’t outpace 2012’s (knock wood), especially considering how slow the Fall Selling Season was for pitches last year.
Enjoy the grids, and the rest of your summer. We’ll be back next week with the Spec Market Scorecard as usual.
Overall Pitch Numbers
Here are basic pitch sales numbers through August 11 on their own, with year-over-year monthly comparisons.
The following are combined spec and pitch sales numbers through August 11, with year over year monthly comparisons...
Pitch Sales By Genre
Pitch Sales By Month - Studios
* 2011 and 2012 numbers for Lionsgate and Summit are combined.
Pitch Purchases by Genre - Studios
* 2011 and 2012 numbers for Lionsgate and Summit are combined.
Here are the combined pitch and spec purchase numbers for Studio Buyers that have bought at least one of each in 2013 (plus Columbia).
* 2011 and 2012 numbers for Lionsgate and Summit are combined.
Pitch Purchases By Month - Other Buyers
Pitch Purchases By Genre - Other Buyers
Here are the combined pitch and spec purchase numbers for Non-Studio Buyers that have bought at least one of each in 2013.
Each of the following production companies has been attached to at least one pitch sale so far this year. Names in bold are new or have set up an additional pitch since the last Scorecard.
21 Laps
Action Entertainment
Aggregate Films (2)
Anonymous Content
Appian Way (2)
Arcana Comics
Atlas Entertainment
Bandito Brothers
Benderspink (2)
Blue Grass Films (3)
Broken Road (2)
Chernin Entertainment (3)
Davis Entertainment
De Line Pictures
Di Bonaventura Pictures
Disruption Entertainment
Energy Entertainment
Gambit Pictures
Gran Via
Groundswell Productions
Hurwitz & Schlossberg Productions
Hutch Parker Productions
IAM Entertainment
Jim Whitaker Entertainment
K/O Paper Products
Langley Park
Lin Pictures
New Regency
Oasis Media Group
Offspring Entertainment (2)
Original Film (3)
Ranger 7
State Street
Sunny Field Entertainment
Temple Hill
Thunder Road (2)
Underground (2)
Vinson Films
Wild West Picture Show
Pitch Sales by Seller - Agencies
Here are the combined pitch and spec sales numbers for the agencies that have sold at least one of each in 2013:
The following 63 agents have been involved with at least one pitch sale so far this year.
Charlie Ferraro (UTA)
Greg McKnight (CAA)
Mike Esola (WME)
Cliff Roberts (WME)
David Boxerbaum (Paradigm)
David Karp (WME)
David Kramer (UTA)
Jason Burns (UTA)
Jay Baker (CAA)
Jeff Gorin (WME)
John Garvey (CAA)
Keya Khayatian (UTA)
Phil d’Amecourt (WME)
Rich Cook (WME)
Sandra Lucchesi (Gersh)
Todd Hoffman (ICM)
Adam Levine (Verve)
Andrew Miller (CAA)
Bill Weinstein (Verve)
Bill Zotti (CAA)
Blair Kohan (UTA)
Brett Loncar (CAA)
Brian Kend (CAA)
Bryan Diperstein (ICM)
Cori Wellins (WME)
Dan Aloni (WME)
Dan Rabinow (CAA)
Daniel Cohan (WME)
Danny Greenberg (WME)
David Lubliner (WME)
David Wirtschafter (WME)
Erik Garfinkle (Gersh)
Geoff Morley (UTA)
Greg Hodes (WME)
Jeff Barry (ICM)
Jenny Maryasis (UTA)
Joel Roman (Paradigm)
Jon Cassir (CAA)
Jon Huddle (UTA)
Jon Levin (CAA)
Jordan Cerf (WME)
Josh Hornstock (UTA)
Josh Katz (UTA)
Kathleen Remington (ICM)
Kimberly Bialek (WME)
Lee Keele (Gersh)
Lisa Harrison (WME)
Marc Korman (WME)
Martin Spencer (Resolution)
Matt Rice (UTA)
Matt Rosen (CAA)
Michael Sheresky (UTA)
Nick LoPiccolo (Paradigm)
Peter Micelli (CAA)
Ramses Ishak (UTA)
Risa Gertner (CAA)
Roger Green (WME)
Scott Greenberg (CAA)
Simon Faber (WME)
Solco Schuitt (WME)
Stuart Manashil (CAA)
Trevor Astbury (Paradigm)
Zach Druker (WME)
Pitch Sales by Seller - Management Companies
Here are the combined pitch and spec sales for management companies that have sold at least one of each in 2013.
The following 42 managers have been involved with at least one pitch sale so far this year:
Brooklyn Weaver (Energy)
Keith Redmon (Anonymous)
Adam Kolbrenner (Madhouse)
Adam Marshall (Caliber)
Bob Sobhani (Magnet)
Bard Dorros (Anonymous)
Brian Lutz (Lutz)
Dawn Saltzman (Mosaic)
George Heller (Apostle)
Greg Walter (3 Arts)
Jake Wagner (Benderspink)
Jennie Frankel Frisbie (Magnet)
Jill McElroy (Mgmt 360)
Paul Nelson (Mosaic)
Aaron Kaplan (K/P)
Brian Dobbins (PYE)
Dan Halsted (Manage-ment)
Daniel Rappaport (Mgmt 360)
Darin Friedman (Mgmt 360)
Eryn Brown (Mgmt 360)
Jeff Okin (Anonymous)
Jennifer Levine (Untitled)
Jimmy Miller (Mosaic)
Josh Adler (New Wave)
Josh Turner McGuire (Underground)
Langley Perer (Mosaic)
Margaret Riley (Brillstein)
Michael Shlain (Digital Consp.)
Michael Sugar (Anonymous)
Mike Goldberg (New Wave)
Missy Malkin (Brillstein)
Mitch Solomon (Magnet)
Noah Rothman (Underground)
Paul Young (PYE)
Rosalie Swedlin (Anonymous)
Ryan Cunningham (Madhouse)
Scott Glassgold (IAM Ent.)
Sean Perrone (K/P)
Stephen Crawford (Industry)
Tom Lasally (3 Arts)
Tony Blain (Blain)
Trevor Engelson (Undergrnd)
About The Scoggins Report:
The Scoggins Report is a terribly unscientific analysis of the feature film development business based on information assembled from a variety of public and non-public sources. The numbers in the reports are by no means official statistics. Caveat emptor.
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