SUBMISSIONS INSANITY: How To Get Your Screenplay Solicited
Most screenwriters see “no unsolicited material” and give up. But Bang2write’s Lucy V argues: GET your script solicited via a great query & one page pitch!
This is the thing. We hear all the time that "nobody" has time to read screenplays anymore. There's just too many of them around. Most of them are no good, for whatever reason. So put like that, is it any *wonder* it's so difficult to get read??
NEWSFLASH: Yeah it's difficult ... but not impossible!! But I bet you reckon it's a Catch 22, ie. you need an agent to get a producer (and vice versa)? OH NO YOU DON'T.
In fact, all you need is a really great query!!! Here's 3 Tips To Get Your Work Solicited Via Email – And Not Blow It In The Very Next Email.
"But ... But ... it says, 'no unsolicited material'!!" You say.
No problem: "solicited" just basically means "asked for" -- so get your script solicited!!!
The One Page Pitch is perfect for this. When it comes to submissions, NO ONE is afraid of just one page. This means a one page pitch can be a GREAT way of selling your idea "off the page" to an agent, producer or other filmmaker.
But what do you put in your one page pitch?
Well, the good news - or bad news, depending on your viewpoint - is there is NO "standard" way of writing a one pager. But there ARE obvious things you should do - which is why this infographic below is GREAT at breaking the process down.
Best of luck with your submissions and getting those screenplays solicited!
Check out the original post this infographic covers for even more tips on writing a great one page pitch, HERE.
- More articles by Lucy V. Hay
- 5 Common Query Letters and Logline Tips
- How to Pitch a Script - Pitching Your Script at Pitchfests