Strategies for a Successful TV Writing Career – Why TV Beats Features

Right now we’re experiencing a great explosion of new opportunities for screenwriters who want to break into the TV market. Glenn M. Benest shares tips in his screenwriting webinar, Strategies for a Successful TV Writing Career.

By Glenn M. Benest

Television like every other industry goes through highs and lows. Sometimes there’s more work for writers, sometimes less.

Right now we’re experiencing a great explosion of new opportunities for screenwriters who want to break into the TV market.

Channels like USA, TNT, FX, Netflix, Discovery, History, etc. are all scrambling for original programming. They need new shows more than ever. Some of these shows are limited series (like Trust on TNT) or original half-hour or hour shows that seem to appear nearly every week. This programming brings new viewership to these cable channels and makes the TV audience more aware of other programs the channel already carries.

This is really where the work is for new writers, not in features, which are being produced less and less, as the studios spend their money on superhero extravaganzas and provides much less funding for small or mid-range films.

So, it behooves all screenwriters to go where the money and work is. But what strategies are best utilized by writers when attempting to break into this lucrative market? In other words, what is the best way to go about it? We’ll discuss the limited series (once known as the mini-series) and what are your best choices when deciding to go this route. We’ll also discuss writing spec shows already on the air, which are best and which aren’t, as well as creating your own webisodes (like High Maintenance), getting into reality TV, as well as strategies for creating original pilot ideas. Each will be analyzed and discussed to give you valuable guidance on how to best proceed.

Join my webinar on August 8th at 1PM PST and learn many traditional as well as non-traditional ways to get your foot in the door: Strategies for a Successful TV Writing Career and take advantage of what is aptly being called the second great golden age of TV.

If you can't make the live event, as long as you sign up in advance, a recording will be emailed to you.


Top screenwriting and film publication, founded in 1989, published by Active Interest Media. Twitter: @scriptmag