Spit Takes: Be A Sadistic Bastard (In Your Comedy Writing)

Comedy writers get so caught up in getting their jokes right, they often forget the most important ingredient in comedy writing. It’s not laughter. It’s not love. It’s pain. One…

Comedy writers get so caught up in getting their jokes right, they often forget the most important ingredient in comedy writing. It’s not laughter. It’s not love. It’s pain.

One of my favorite quotes from Mel Brooks is, “Tragedy is when you cut your finger. Comedy is when you fall into an open sewer and die.” As a screenwriter it is up to you to inflict pain on your characters. You must torture the shit out of them for the amusement of your audience. This is your duty.

How can torture be funny? For starters, I’m not talking about a Hostel-style torture scene where your character slowly removes the toenails from a hapless victim with pliers (I’m sure you could even make that funny with a few bad pedicure jokes). The torture I’m talking about involves a combination of deep-rooted physical and psychological pain that makes the audience laugh because they relate to it on a fundamental level. It’s a pain they’ve experienced, or it’s a pain so uncomfortable the only option is to laugh because the viewer is simply happy it didn't happen to them.

The Hangover (2009)

The more you put your characters into uncomfortable and painful situations, the funnier your scenes will become. Make your characters physically hurt, look stupid, embarrassed, humiliated and disgraced. Check out any successful comedy and you’ll find that some of the biggest laughs come from the characters being horribly tortured by their creator. Let’s take a quick look:

This entire comedic franchise is built on torture. The characters begin their journey with a painful hangover, their friend goes missing, their teeth are pulled out, they’re punched in the face by Mike Tyson… and it keeps getting worse, but it’s funny.

Yet another comedy franchise built on character torture. The main protagonist gets caught with his dick in a pie. It’s humiliating for him and it’s hysterical for the audience.

The title alone is uncomfortable and embarrassing for this poor character.

While Ferris is never tortured, he does an excellent job of torturing all those around him, especially Principal Rooney. If you aren’t torturing your lead character, then your lead character must be torturing someone else. Watch any Bugs Bunny cartoon to see how this works.

Yes, even romantic comedies require acts of torture for laughs. In this film, it takes twelve years for Harry and Sally to start a romantic relationship. Twelve years is some seriously long torture, and don’t even get me started on that uncomfortable diner scene.

No matter what type of comedy you’re writing, always remember to turn pain into something that will help lighten the daily burden of your audience. Make your characters miserable so the rest of us can have a good laugh. Now go write like a sadistic bastard.

    This webinar takes a deep dive into the comedy principles which are, in fact, the basic principles of every art form: tension and resolution, pattern disruption, misdirection and surprise. Register Today!

    Stephany Folsom was raised in the mountains of Colorado and attended film school in Los Angeles. After graduation, she had many day jobs until she landed a gig working for news outlets and non-profits, producing short documentaries around the world. Eventually growing tired of life on the road, she landed back in Los Angeles and delved back into fiction writing. Her script 1969 A SPACE ODYSSEY: OR HOW KUBRICK LEARNED TO STOP WORRYING AND LAND ON THE MOON made the Black List in 2013. Since then she’s written on Marvel’s THOR: RAGNAROK, Lucasfilm’s STAR WARS RESISTANCE series, and most recently co-wrote the Academy Award-winning TOY STORY 4. Currently Stephany lives in Los Angeles with her husband and precocious mutt, where she is a consulting producer and writer on Amazon Prime’s LORD OF THE RINGS. In her spare time, she is showrunning and writing the series adaptation of Brian K. Vaughan’s PAPER GIRLS with Plan B, Legendary, and Amazon Studios. Twitter: @StephanyFolsom