Script Magazine’s First L.A. Meetup = Success!
We came. We conquered. We connected. – That’s how the night felt after our first-ever Script Magazine Los Angeles Meetup this past Tuesday (2/8) night. Judging by our Facebook RSVP list, we thought we’d get maybe 30 or 40 readers and friends of the magazine to show up. But 7 p.m. hit and right away the bar at the Cat ‘N Fiddle on Sunset Blvd. was all ours…
We came. We conquered. We connected.
That's how the night felt after our first-ever Script Magazine Los Angeles Meetup this past Tuesday (2/8) night. Judging by our Facebook RSVP list, we thought we'd get maybe 30 or 40 readers and friends of the magazine to show up. I mean, let's face it, it was a chilly Tuesday night in Hollywood. A work night for most. But 7 p.m. hit and right away the bar at the Cat 'N Fiddle on Sunset Blvd. was all ours. What was originally planned as a gathering of 30 or 40 turned out to be a full house of 75-100 screenwriters, readers, fans and friends. It was great connecting and putting faces to Twitter handles and listening to feedback about the magazine, this website and all the things Script and Final Draft, Inc. (our parent company) have going on (yes, talk of Final Draft's upcoming iPad app was on more than a few people's minds that night. And yes, it's coming.)
We had a number of Script contributors stop by, including Jenna Milly, Bob Verini, David S. Cohen, Ray Morton, Dwayne Smith and George 'El Guapo' Roush. And we were pleasantly surprised to have Tom Benedek (screenwriter of Cocoon), W. Peter Iliff (screenwriter of Patriot Games and Point Break) and current Oscar nominee, Dana Brunetti (producer, The Social Network and president of Trigger Street Productions) stop by and share a few drinks and laughs.
We're planning to do our L.A. Meetups on a regular basis (still working out details, probably bi-monthly to coincide with every issue release), so in case you missed us this week, there will be more opportunities to connect, mingle and meet like-minded Script Magazine readers. We also have tentative plans for upcoming meetups in New York City (looking at end of April to coincide with the Tribeca Film Festival), and in Washington D.C.
We want to thank everyone who came out on Tuesday night. We had a blast. Let's do it again soon!

Joshua Stecker is a freelance entertainment journalist based in Los Angeles. His bylines include The Hollywood Reporter and Death & Taxes Magazine. Stecker is the former west coast/web editor of Script Magazine. He's also the co-founder of the Modjeska Playhouse theatre company in South Orange County. Follow him on twitter at @joshuastecker.