Screenwriting Website of the Week: Screenwriting from Iowa

Script Magazine recognizes Scott W. Smith’s website, Screenwriting from Iowa, as the new Screenwriting Website of the Week! Get tips on working outside of L.A.

Script Magazine recognizes Scott W. Smith's website, Screenwriting from Iowa, as the new Screenwriting Website of the Week!

An excerpt from Scott's About page:

Various productions over the years have taken me to all 50 States and to five continents and I believe there are many great stories waiting to be told outside of L.A. And while you may dream of seeing your work on the big screen, keep in mind that the Internet is bringing many opportunities for the little screen. I hope this blog (and eventually book) helps you tell those stories and encourages you, especially if you feel like you live in an unusual place in the middle-of-nowhere. (And for the record, that includes West Des Moines, West Africa, or even just a few miles east of the Hollywood sign in West Covina.)

Check out Scott's blog and follow him on Twitter: @scottwsmith_com

Top screenwriting and film publication, founded in 1989, published by Active Interest Media. Twitter: @scriptmag