Screenwriting Website of the Week: Short of Stories

The new Screenwriting Website of the Week is Short of Stories. Explore the world of writing shorts to learn more about your craft. About Short of Stories from the curator…

The new Screenwriting Website of the Week is Short of Stories. Explore the world of writing shorts to learn more about your craft.

About Short of Stories from the curator himself: 

While doing my final research for college, I realized there’s barely nothing written on short films. The decent bibliography for screenwriting is already scarce for feature films, yet their little brothers suffer further more. After studying quite hard to deliver a good short film script, i found out that the same rules applied to feature films, don’t necessarily apply into shorter ones. There are discrepancies in the way to deal with the narrative elements, therefore, i began to sift the ideas behind screenwriting to create the foremost method to produce finer scripts for short films.

Why short films?

Unless you have a well-selected network of family and friends, you need something to start a film career and a short film is possibly the best thing to have in hands whenever you knock any marble door in LA. Besides that, develop short films will mature your knowledge on the craft. People take years to write a script for a feature film, because it is not easy, there’s always room to improvement and you have the best school in short films. They can be your business cards and your professional refinement.

Go check out Short of Stories and explore a new way of writing!

Follow @ShortofStories on Twitter.

Top screenwriting and film publication, founded in 1989, published by Active Interest Media. Twitter: @scriptmag