Screenwriting Product Review: 2013 Hollywood Screenwriting Directory (Spring Edition)

The 2013 Hollywood Screenwriting Directory – Spring Edition – written and edited by Jesse Douma is now available and much bigger than the 2012 Winter Edition. This bi-annual resource is…

The 2013 Hollywood Screenwriting Directory – Spring Edition – written and edited by Jesse Douma is now available and much bigger than the 2012 Winter Edition. This bi-annual resource is essential to own if you are a screenwriter. It has an entire section devoted to proper formating of your script, how to write a query letter, treatments and loglines. It even tells you how to package your script. Do not underestimate how important that little detail is. This could be the difference between your script becoming a blockbuster film or recycled into an egg carton.

All this vital information is discussed in only the first few dozen pages or so. The rest of this huge volume contains addresses, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, names of contacts and whether or not the company accepts unsolicited submissions. This is information that you would have to spends months upon months to gather on your own, yet here it is, all neatly printed in black and white in one beefy, nice-to-hold, paperback book. This isn't just random listings of names and numbers pulled from the Internet; this is verified contact information.

Show film and distribution companies that you are a true professional by sending them properly formated and packaged scripts. It's the only way you'll have a chance of selling your script and making the money you you are chasing. I know it sounds repetitive, because it is, but improperly formated scripts and poorly packaged submissions just don't have a chance in this highly competitive field.

Owning The 2013 Hollywood Screenwriting Directory is exactly like having a Hollywood insider sitting on your bookshelf, without the fear of your bookshelf collapsing from an actual industry insider perched on it. I can not emphasize enough how important this book is to own if you ever plan on selling any of your scripts. If you would like to see a sample of the book you can click on the “Download a Free Trial” button on the Writer Store webpage for The 2013 Hollywood Screenwriting Directory.

With over 2,500 listings of financiers, production companies and studios, The 2013 Hollywood Screenwriting Directory is the most reliable source of information you can have to help you find financing for your film and to sell your movie script. At under 40 bucks, it's certainly one of the most inexpensive investments, dollar for dollar, you can make in your writing career.

Pros – Updated bi-annually, easy to use, loaded with invaluable information found nowhere else.

Cons – None really, it's an awesome book.

Bottom-Line – A reference book that every screenwriter and filmmaker should have sitting next to them in their writing or reading rooms. Inexpensive information that guides in the sale of scripts and finding viable financiers for films.

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