Screenwriter Website of the Week: Feedback Friday
This week’s highlighted screenwriter website belongs to Robert Dillon. His Feedback Friday blog hosts pages written by screenwriters looking for feedback. Each Friday, he posts the pages along with notes….
This week's highlighted screenwriter website belongs to Robert Dillon.
His Feedback Friday blog hosts pages written by screenwriters looking for feedback. Each Friday, he posts the pages along with notes.
Be brave. Be daring. Shoot some pages over to Robert and let the feedback shape your script to a new level!
But that's not all... if you're a self-published author and looking for a screenwriter to adapt your work, you can connect with them on Feedback Friday's page "Write for Each Other."
Expand your community and head over to Feedback Friday!
Follow Robert on Twitter: @rdlln

Script MagazineAuthor
Top screenwriting and film publication, founded in 1989, published by Active Interest Media. Twitter: @scriptmag
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