Podcast: George Nolfi Talks THE ADJUSTMENT BUREAU

After seven years of “scratching,” as screenwriter George Nolfi puts it, he finally unearthed the key to his new action-thriller, The Adjustment Bureau. Now, it’s up to audiences to do the same.

Writer/director George Nolfi (right) with actor Matt Damon on the set of The Adjustment Bureau

After seven years of "scratching," as screenwriter George Nolfi puts it, he finally unearthed the key to his new action-thriller, The Adjustment Bureau. Now, it’s up to audiences to do the same. The film is about a politician who falls hopelessly in love with a ballerina until the agents of fate decide to get in the way. Nolfi is no stranger to action-thrillers, as he’s penned some of the most notable in the genre in the recent years, including The Bourne Ultimatum, The Sentinel, Ocean's Twelve and Timeline. Script sat down with the writer/director to get some pointers on exactly how many scratches it takes to make a good action-thriller.

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Trailer for The Adjustment Bureau: