PODCAST: David Seidler Talks The King’s Speech

“He stutters far worse than you do,” screenwriter David Seidler remembers his parents telling him of King George VI when the family would sit around the radio in England listening to the King deliver his war-time speeches. “It gave me hope, and I thought one day, as I became a writer, I would like to write something about him.”

David Seidler
Colin Firth portrays King George VI with co-stars Geoffrey Rush and Helena Bonham Carter in The King's Speech.

“He stutters far worse than you do,” screenwriter David Seidler remembers his parents telling him of King George VI when the family would sit around the radio in England listening to the King deliver his war-time speeches. “It gave me hope, and I thought one day, as I became a writer, I would like to write something about him.” That was a beginning of a life-long journey for Seilder to write the story of the stammering King, as he did in The King's Speech. Script sat down with the Oscar-nominated screenwriter to hear how his inspiration became one of the most talked about movies of the year.

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