Podcast: Black and Muslim in Post-9/11 America

Qasim Basir explores the American experience for an African American Muslim in the aftermath of 9/11. His film, Mooz-lum, stars Danny Glover and is available on DVD.

Danny Glover in Mooz-lum.
Writer-director Qasim Basir

What's more difficult than growing up black in America? Being Muslim, too. Difficult is just one word to describe it. At least, that was, until 9/11, when the situation became unbearable. Writer-director Qasim Basir tells his story of being an African American Muslim in the years before and after this emotional time in his film Mooz-lum, starring Danny Glover, Evan Ross, and Nia Long. The DVD releases June 14. Says Basir, making the film "was one of the most therapeutic things I've ever done." Script sat down with the writer-director to talk about the process of converting his intense journey into a feature film.

Podcast highlights:

  • "I don't think I could have written this film after 9/11. People didn't want to hear it."
  • "The issue for me was the personal nature of the story and going back and dealing with the things that I had to deal with while writing it."
  • "As a filmmaker, I'm always going to want to change something."