Podcast: Peter Hanson, Tales From the Script
Peter Hanson, director and co-writer of Tales From the Script, has first-hand knowledge of the difficult and sometimes downright cruel business of screenwriting. Luckily for us, he hasn’t given up yet.
Peter Hanson, director and co-writer of Tales From the Script, has first-hand knowledge of the difficult and sometimes downright cruel business of screenwriting. Luckily for us, he hasn't given up yet. Instead, he and creator/producer Paul Robert Herman have gathered 50 screenwriters -- some you'll know and some you won't (yet) -- to trade war stories. Script sat down with Hanson to discuss the film and a few personal stories. Tales From the Script is the first film in Script's new screening series, in partnership with American Cinematheque.

Script MagazineAuthor
Top screenwriting and film publication, founded in 1989, published by Active Interest Media. Twitter: @scriptmag
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