Monday Morning Editor Picks: TV Writing Products
As someone who lives with only one movie theatre nearby, I’ve enjoyed discovering great TV dramas to keep me entertained. With the winter around the corner, I’m filling up my…
As someone who lives with only one movie theatre nearby, I've enjoyed discovering great TV dramas to keep me entertained. With the winter around the corner, I'm filling up my DVR with 'Breaking Bad' and 'Mad Men' reruns.
But instead of just watching TV, why not try to write a show? Make sure to read John Truby's excellent article, TV Drama Structure: Why TV is the Future and How to Write for It, on the structure of TV dramas, explaining what makes some of the best ones work.
Our Kit of the Month helps you create a compelling TV series:
Writing for TV - The Premiere Collection
Package ON SALE! $99.00
Compare to $271.89 when bought separately
Package includes:
$79.00 if bought separately
ABOUT THE WEBINAR Understanding what producers and executives are looking for in a TV pilot script will help participants to be ten steps ahead. In this live webinar, Jen Grisanti will go over all the story components for telling and selling the one-hour drama and half hour sitcom stories. Using her experience in staffing over 15 primetime shows, Jen Grisanti will reveal secrets from the executive side and guide you to use your voice in your...
$79.00 if bought separately
ABOUT THE WEBINAR Creating a strong story is your calling card as a writer. In this live webinar, Jen Grisanti will share with you some of the key tools that will make your TV pilots, specs and features scripts stand out through the building of the act break and the links that you provide in your story. Jen Grisanti will share her strategy about how you can write act breaks that will make your story memorable and help you to tell it in the s...
$79.00 if bought separately
ABOUT THE WEBINAR After having the good fortune of launching a professional screenwriting career with the HBO miniseries BAND OF BROTHERS and FROM THE EARTH TO THE MOON, writer-producer Erik Bork was introduced to the world of creating series ideas, pitching them, and writing pilot scripts by his television agents at CAA. Since then, Erik has developed countless one-hour and half-hour concepts and presented them to his agents, producers, st...
$18.95 if bought separately
In this CD, Jen Grisanti tells you about a breakthrough method that she discovered during the past 18 years of analyzing story - this method will help you to write a stronger TV pilot script! It all starts with a strong log line, then the setup of a powerful dilemma and a clear goal that stems from the dilemma. Jen Grisanti created this CD because she recognized that the pilot script is the hardest script to write. Taking you deep into her ...
$9.95 if bought separately
After analyzing story for 18 years, 12 years as a studio executive, Grisanti will show you the tools she’s learned over her career from some of the top storytellers in the business. Starting your story with a powerful dilemma Stemming a strong and clear goal from your dilemma Connecting all your pivotal story points back to your goal How to find your voice in your story Writing powerful and memorable log lines Adding messages, theme a...
$5.99 if bought separately
"I think the one thing that has proven to be true for us over and over again is not to be married to your words necessarily, but to be married to the spirit of your words." - Kurtzman & Orci Less than 10 years in the business and Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci are already one of the most successful screenwriting teams in Hollywood. A team who became just that after meeting in high school, they began in television on the writing staffs of...
Jeanne Veillette Bowerman is the Editor and Online Community Manager of Script Magazine and a webinar instructor for The Writers Store. She is Co-Founder and moderator of the weekly Twitter screenwriters’ chat, #Scriptchat, and wrote the narrative adaptation of the Pulitzer Prize-winning book, Slavery by Another Name, with its author, Douglas A. Blackmon, former senior national correspondent of The Wall Street Journal. Jeanne also is President of Implicit Productions and consults with writers on how to build and strengthen their online and offline networks as well as face their fears in order to succeed in writing and in personal peace - a screenwriter's therapist. More information can be found on her blog, ramblings of a recovered insecureaholic. Follow @jeannevb on Twitter.

Top screenwriting and film publication, founded in 1989, published by Active Interest Media. Twitter: @scriptmag