Monday Morning Editor Picks: On Demand Screenwriting Webinars to Get Your Screenplay Written!

Starting a screenplay can cause even the most seasoned screenwriter to procrastinate. But being a New Year, I say, shake off that temptation to dilly dally and get your story…

Starting a screenplay can cause even the most seasoned screenwriter to procrastinate. But being a New Year, I say, shake off that temptation to dilly dally and get your story on the page!

Here are some tools to help:

Screenwriting Starter Package

At a Glance

  • A complete guide to the craft of screenwriting
  • Teaches the fundamentals of the craft, from outline to production
  • Gives a comprehensive introduction into the screenwriting world and the essential tools for writing a script

10 Steps to a Bullet Proof Story Outline…Before You Start Writing Script Pages

At a Glance

  • Learn how to create a detailed story outline and identify any weak story elements in your writing
  • Discover how to write a strong story outline or beat sheet
  • Leave the webinar fully equipped to write a solid first draft—plot, story, conflict, and character development

7 Common Blunders Screenwriters Make (and How to Avoid Them)

At a Glance

  • Learn the “nuts and bolts” on the fine points of screenwriting
  • Discover the 7 common errors and the corresponding winning strategies
  • Learn how to recognize “cinematic moments” in your script—and exploit them

Writing the Spec Script that Launches Your Career

At a Glance

  • Discover the type of scripts agents and managers are currently looking for.
  • Learn the specific tools and skills needed to write a script and launch your screenwriting career.
  • Identify the common mistakes screenwriters make trying to break into the business and provide strategies to avoid them.

What Makes a Great Scene?

At a Glance

  • A webinar discussing the principles of writing compelling film and television scenes.
  • Learn the common elements found in entertaining and engaging scenes using examples from scripts for modern classic movies.
  • Discover how to create a compelling story from concept, genre and structure - down to the specific details of scene.

Make Your First 10 Pages Shine

At a Glance

  • Enjoy this webinar providing instruction on the elements necessary to grab a reader in the first 10 pages
  • Discover the 14 elements needed to set up the world of your screenplay in your first 10 pages

Jeanne Veillette Bowerman is the Editor and Online Community Manager of Script Magazine and a webinar instructor for The Writers Store. She is Co-Founder and moderator of the weekly Twitter screenwriters’ chat, #Scriptchat, and wrote the narrative adaptation of the Pulitzer Prize-winning book, Slavery by Another Name, with its author, Douglas A. Blackmon, former senior national correspondent of The Wall Street Journal. Jeanne also is President of Implicit Productions and consults with writers on how to build and strengthen their online and offline networks as well as face their fears in order to succeed in writing and in personal peace - a screenwriter's therapist. More information can be found on her blog, ramblings of a recovered insecureaholic. Follow @jeannevb on Twitter.

Top screenwriting and film publication, founded in 1989, published by Active Interest Media. Twitter: @scriptmag