Examining the Marvel Supervillains: Loki (Video)

Loki is the gold standard for villains in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. What makes him stand out among all the others in Marvel’s pantheon?

Michael Lee is a writer, script consultant, script reader and judge. He's worked as a creative executive for a few production companies and as reader and judge for some of the most prestigious screenwriting contests in the country including PAGE and Final Draft Big Break. He's recently optioned his latest project: a science-fiction comedy entitled How to Conquer the Earth. Follow Michael on Facebook and Twitter: @GoldenAgeofGeek.

This is a video follow up to an article I wrote earlier about the crowning jewel of the Marvel Cinematic Universe in terms of villainy, Loki. As of this writing he remains the most compelling and successful supervillain to grace the big screen.


What more can be said about the character and Tom Hiddleston's portrayal? I think one lesson writers can take away is that some forms of antagonism or villainy are more interesting than others. It isn't just a question of motivation, We all know by this time that a villain who is evil for evil's sake isn't that interesting. But one also has to think about the way in which the villain opposes the hero.

Loki's first appearance in Thor remains fascinating. Regardless what some may say of the other elements, Loki's scheming remains thoroughly compelling even today. That makes this movie required viewing for would be screenwriters. It has lessons that apparently even Marvel needs to re-learn.

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Michael Lee is a writer, script consultant, script reader and judge. He’s worked as a creative executive for a few production companies and as reader and judge for some of the most prestigious screenwriting contests in the country including PAGE and Final Draft Big Break. The last five years his life has consisted of reading lots and lots of screenplays. He’s recently optioned his latest project: a science-fiction comedy entitled How to Conquer the Earth. Follow Michael on Facebook and Twitter: @GoldenAgeofGeek.