Writing the Pilot for the New Global Streaming Market

The explosion in streaming series is great news for writers. Log onto any streaming site and you’ll be inundated with new shows, not just from America but from around the world. There are hundreds of shows in production and an uncountable number more in development. That means there’s an incredible hunger for new writers and new ideas.

This live webinar will explore the differences between the scripts that become global hits and the ones that don’t. Why does one teen missing in one forest become an international sensation when a dozen other teens missing in a dozen other forests are ignored around the world? What separates a true global phenomenon like Squid Game from all the other shows with similar concepts?

Join William Rabkin, author of two best-selling books on writing the pilot and creator of pilots and series in the US and around the world, in this live webinar that will help you navigate this new global television marketplace and learn how to create shows that will be popular everywhere.


  • How to create a story that will work anywhere
  • How to differentiate the local from the universal
  • How to develop characters that will be compelling to audiences in every culture
  • How to understand the crucial differences between stories that look similar
  • How to understand the differences between the streaming marketplace and the traditional writers’ market


  • Any writer contemplating a pilot for a streaming series.
  • Pilot writers who want their scripts to get attention.
  • Writers who believe their script should be the next Squid Game.
  • Anyone who wants to work in streaming television
  • Viewers who want a deeper understanding of contemporary storytelling
  • Anyone interested in the global surge in TV production
  • Any writer who wants to sell a series or work on one

Learn from an expert instructor!

William Rabkin, author of the best-selling Writing the Pilot and Writing the Pilot: Creating the Series has been writing and producing dramatic television for 35 years. Along with the dozen pilots and hundreds of episodes he wrote and/or produced in the US, Rabkin has created and written pilots and series in Europe and Asia, including HBOAsia’s Dream Raider, which aired in 2020. He has just finished work on an international mini-series for Viaplay and ITV.

Course runs November 18, 2021 01:00 pm – 02:30 pm PST

Top screenwriting and film publication, founded in 1989, published by Active Interest Media. Twitter: @scriptmag