The Sweet 16! The Only Tool You’ll Ever Use Again To Create Characters

In this live webinar, you’ll gain 16 short and sweet tools to create enduring, popular, living, and breathing characters.

"I Need A Hero!” is not just the lyric of a popular 80s pop song, but the cry of every great dramatic story. All great stories are character-based. In this live webinar, you’ll gain 16 short and sweet tools to create enduring, popular, living, and breathing characters.

The Sweet 16 guarantee you will not only have a credible, memorable, actionable characters that helps you build a solid story structure to keep your story focused on the hero’s journey!

The Sweet 16 is an easily-repeatable method that works for any writer, any genre, and any story form: short film, novella, novel, screenplay, TV pilot, stage play, video game, even documentary & memoir.

PRE-REQUISITE: Once you sign up for the workshop, you will receive a feature-length script for review prior to the workshop.


  • 16 story questions to quickly and thoroughly walk yourself through your hero’s journey
  • How to make sure you’re not leaving anything off the table with your character’s stories
  • How to go deeper into your hero’s journey
  • Identify where to elevate your story to a “must read!”
  • Receive a fool-proof "cheat sheet" on character design


  • Emerging writers who want to go deeper with their heroes
  • Experienced writers who are looking for a reboot or a solid refresher on creating memorable, actionable heroes
  • Any level writer struggling to boost a current WIP
  • Any level writer wanting to learn hero story structure through Hollywood’s eyes
  • Any level writer looking for a “one & done” hero-building method

Learn from an expert instructor!

Jennifer Graeser Dornbush is a screenwriter, author, international speaker, and forensic specialist. Raised as the daughter of a medical examiner whose office was in their home, forensics is infused into her DNA. As a screenwriter, she wrote the theatrically released film and novel, God Bless the Broken Road (2018), and has worked in TV developing, and writing both original and adapted work. As an author, Jennifer penned the crime writer’s guide Forensic Speak; suspense thriller, Hole in the Woods; and mystery series The Coroner’s Daughter, optioned by Lifetime TV. She is also penning the scripts. Jennifer contributed to the upcoming Murder, Music & Mystery anthology (Blackstone, 2022). She is a sought-out teacher, speaker, and mentor. Connect with Jennifer on IG @JGDornbush.

Top screenwriting and film publication, founded in 1989, published by Active Interest Media. Twitter: @scriptmag