Screenwriting Webinar with Writer & Producer of HBO’s Band of Brothers
I’ll be teaching a 90-minute webinar for The Writers Store on “Creating Original Series Ideas and Writing Spec Pilots.” You can listen live on your computer. This class will encapsulate all the key…
I'll be teaching a 90-minute webinar for The Writers Store on "Creating Original Series Ideas and Writing Spec Pilots." You can listen live on your computer.
This class will encapsulate all the key things I've learned in my years developing both half-hour and one-hour series ideas to pitch to my agents, producers, and studio and network executives -- and in my experiences writing pilots, both on assignment (when I've been fortunate enough to sell a pitch), and on spec.
The understanding and skills I've developed in doing this has formed a core set of principles (which I also teach in National University's MFA Program in Professional Screenwriting), which really isn't readily available in any screenwriting or TV writing books, which don't tend to focus on original series ideas.
I hope you can be there!

Erik Bork won two Emmy Awards and two Golden Globe Awards for his work as a writer-producer on the HBO miniseries Band of Brothers and From the Earth to the Moon, working with executive producer Tom Hanks (and Steven Spielberg, on Band of Brothers). Erik has sold original series pitches to the broadcast networks, worked on the writing staff of primetime drama series, and written feature screenplays for Universal, HBO, TNT, and Playtone. He teaches for UCLA Extension’s Writers’ Program, and National University’s MFA Program in Professional Screenwriting, and has also been called one of the “Top Ten Most Influential Screenwriting Bloggers” for his “Flying Wrestler” site. His 2018 book THE IDEA: The Seven Elements of a Viable Story for Screen, Stage, or Fiction has become a multi-category Amazon best-seller. Twitter: @flyingwrestler