Live Webinar – Is “Manipulation” Good in Screenwriting?

This webinar will teach you how to construct scenes that maximize the emotional impact for your audience. How to create characters that resonate, and how to build an emotional layer into your story.

The word “manipulation” often spells trouble. But in screenwriting, if you think about it, “manipulation” is actually a positive. Anyone who watches anything wants to feel something, and wants their emotional state to be impacted by the movie or TV series they watch. Which means the audience is asking the writer to manipulate their emotional experience. So how do you embrace this “power” and fully understand your role as a writer?

This live webinar will provide answers. You’ll learn to get comfortable with the concept of manipulating your audience, and understand more fully why it is so important. 

Your instructor, Tim Schildberger has been writing for decades. He’s the author of “The Audience and You: A guide to writing screenplays with emotional impact” which has topped the Amazon screenwriting book charts. His insights into finding the connection between writer and audience have helped everyone from working writers, to those just starting out.

Understanding your role as someone given the responsibility to impact another person’s emotional state is powerful, and an important step in your screenwriting journey. This live webinar will help you accept that power, and learn that sometimes, “manipulation” can be a good thing.


  • Why “manipulating” an audience may actually be a good thing
  • Why giving your audience an emotional experience is so important
  • Tips on constructing a scene to deliver maximum emotional impact
  • The secrets to making your script stand out from the pack
  • Understanding and embracing your true power as a screenwriter


  • Writers learning how to construct scripts that resonate
  • Writers who feel they have a solid story, but can’t quite get the characters right
  • Writers willing to dig deeper emotionally to create a truly impactful script
  • Writers at every stage of their screenwriting journey – from novice to pro
  • Anyone curious to understand the secrets to creating powerful stories

Learn from an expert instructor!

Born and raised in Australia, Tim Schildberger was the youngest writer on the global TV series “Neighbours”, and moved to Los Angeles in 1997. He’s a writer, producer, journalist, script coach, and Girl-Dad. He was a supervisor on the wildly successful feature “Borat”, and created and wrote the US TV series “Lawrence of America.” Tim is a frequent contributor to Script magazine, and he founded the popular screenwriting competition Write LA. He is based in Los Angeles.

Top screenwriting and film publication, founded in 1989, published by Active Interest Media. Twitter: @scriptmag