How To Get Your Script Contest Ready
Screenwriters are desperate to jump-start their careers. There are different avenues to achieve that, like entering competitions, internships, query letters, and networking, but no clear path into the industry. This webinar aims to help screenwriters focus on one of the best ways to break in: contests.
This webinar aims to help screenwriters focus on one of the best ways to break in: contests. In just 3 hours we discuss and learn how to write a script that places in competitions, what judges are looking for, how to write a killer opening that engages your reader, what mistakes to avoid, which competitions to enter, and how to use competition wins to propel your writing career. We will craft a map to help you elevate your script, heighten its potential for placing in competitions, and capitalize from your wins.
- How to analyze what contests are looking for in scripts
- How to identify and fix common mistakes
- How to make scripts attractive for competitions
- How to write a great opening that grabs the reader’s attention on page 1
- How to craft powerful character introductions that will set your script apart in the eyes of contest readers
- How to create new takes on old material to grab the contest reader’s attention
- How to use short scripts/films to jump-start your career
- How to craft a TV pilot that stands out in competitions
- How to capitalize from festival wins
- How to discern what are good contests to enter
- Beginning screenwriters seeking to learn about script contests
- Intermediate screenwriters who want to learn what common mistakes they should avoid when submitting to competitions
- Advanced screenwriters who want to target top fellowships
- All screenwriters who are curious about what contests are looking for in scripts
- All screenwriters who want to learn how to make their scripts more engaging for contest readers
- All screenwriters who want to learn how to master page 1 of their script
- All screenwriters who want to learn how to create new takes on old material to impress contest readers
- All screenwriters who want to learn how to use short scripts/films to jump-start their careers
- All screenwriters who write for TV who want to learn what makes a TV pilot appealing to contest readers and how to make your pilot stand out
- All screenwriters who want to learn what to do with contest wins and how to capitalize from them
- All screenwriters who want to discern what contests to enter at which stage of their writing careers
Learn from an expert instructor!
Cody Smart is an independent writer and script doctor from Chile. She holds degrees in English Literature & Linguistics, Screenwriting, Development and Producing. She worked as a script analyst for Sony, she’s a judge for multiple script and film competitions, she’s written some award-winning shorts, she’s head of the coverage department at a script hosting site, she does a bi-monthly vlog with tips for screenwriters for Story Data, and she’s an instructor for the renowned Writers’ Program at UCLA Extension. She takes pride in helping writers take their work to the next level.

Top screenwriting and film publication, founded in 1989, published by Active Interest Media. Twitter: @scriptmag