DECODING STORY: Elevate Your Writing Using Script Coverage Techniques

This live webinar will demystify the principles professional script readers use to evaluate the inner mechanics of story, character, plot, and visual motif in scripts they cover.

To make the necessary good first impression, a screenwriter needs to have developed their characters, plot, and visual storytelling style to a professional level. Many writers think they know their story, only to soon realize they lack the perspective to translate the rich, deep and visually engaging cinematic journey they imagined into words. If only they knew what professional script readers do when looking for the next big film property.

This live webinar will demystify the principles professional script readers use to evaluate the inner mechanics of story, character, plot, and visual motif in scripts they cover. Good story notes provide guidance on how to fully realize a work’s full dramatic potential. They also ask the all-important questions of what a story is really about, what the characters really want, and how both should serve an exciting film narrative to a satisfying conclusion.


  • The analytical story techniques to create a compelling narrative script structure
  • How to translate your writer’s voice into an engaging script experience
  • Create a visual language for your story using unusual visual motifs
  • How to engage and keep a reader guessing through the use of misdirection
  • How to structure your story to avoid common plot holes and gaps in film logic
  • How to ensure your story is relevant to a contemporary audience


  • Writers who want to use professional script analysis techniques to their advantage
  • Writers who want to take their writing to an industry professional level
  • Writers who want to engage the reader in unique and genre-defying ways
  • Screenwriters who want to ensure their story is developed to the highest level
  • Writers who want to create a compelling, cinematic universe
  • Novelists who want to adapt their material for the big and small screen
  • Writers who want to develop their storytelling voice and master their writing craft
  • Screenwriters who want to increase their chances of selling a screenplay by making their stories relevant to today’s moviegoing audience

Learn from an expert instructor!

Jon James Miller started his Hollywood career as a script reader for producers at 20th Century Fox Studios, Paramount Pictures, and MGM Studios. Jon co-wrote Adapting Sideways: How To Turn Your Screenplay Into A Publishable Novel (Komenar Publishing), which chronicled the process of adapting his award-winning screenplay into a novel. Jon’s debut novel, Looking For Garbo, was published by Amphorae Publishing Group in 2019. Jon has been featured in Creative Screenwriting Magazine and is a frequent contributor to SCRIPT Magazine. He is represented by Agent Jill Marr at Sandra Dijkstra Literary Agency. Follow Jon on Twitter @JonJimMiller.

Top screenwriting and film publication, founded in 1989, published by Active Interest Media. Twitter: @scriptmag