Screenwriting Website of the Week: Jon Brooks’ Comfort Pit
Script announces Comfort Pit as a screenwriting website worth checking out. Jon Brooks shares insights into nutrition, mental health and creativity. Let’s face it, in order to create, we need to also fuel or mind and body.
We stumbled up on Jon Brooks' site, Comfort Pit, the other day and wanted to share it with you. Not only does he address advice for creatives, but he also shares insights into nutrition and mental health. Let's face it, in order to create, we need to also fuel or mind and body.
Check out Comfort Pit and follow Jon on Twitter: @ComfortPit
Comfort Pit, in a nutshell, is a personal development site that combines the rigour of academia with the charisma of self-help.
Like you, I’m striving to become better and make a small difference in the precious little time we have on this planet. I write about the struggle we all face becoming better creators, better leaders, and better people — and how improving our health can help us do that.

Top screenwriting and film publication, founded in 1989, published by Active Interest Media. Twitter: @scriptmag