SELLING YOUR SCREENPLAY: Screenwriters Adam Egypt Mortimer & Brian DeLeeuw Talk About Their Horror Film ‘Some Kind Of Hate’

Ashley Scott Meyers has a candid conversation with screenwriters Adam Egypt Mortimer & Brian DeLeeuw about their struggles to get their film, Some Kind Of Hate, made.

In this episode of the podcast I have a very candid conversation with screenwriters Adam Egypt Mortimer & Brian DeLeeuw about their struggles to get their film, Some Kind Of Hate, made. There were a few false starts but their perseverance paid off, and they eventually got the film produced.

You can also read a transcript of this episode.

Links mentioned in the show:

Get tips on writing a high concept screenplay with Unknown Screenwriter's webinar
Is Your Concept High Enough?

Ashley Scott Meyers is a screenwriter and blogger / podcaster. Since beginning his career as a screenwriter in the late 1990’s he’s optioned more than two dozen feature screenplays and sold a half dozen. And he’s done it all without an agent or manager, instead opting to use his pragmatic screenplay marketing guide which he teaches at