SELLING YOUR SCREENPLAY: Screenwriter Jan Arado Talks About Her Recent Screenplay Option
Ashley Scott Meyers interviews Jan Arado about her recent screenplay option to a producer. They discuss how option agreements work and what should be in them.
In this episode of the podcast Jan Arado talks about her recent screenplay option to a producer. Since this is her first option, she has lots of questions about how option agreements work and what should be in them. So I thought it might be interesting to let her ask me questions about her option agreement and have me answer them for you on a podcast episode, as I'm sure other people probably have similar questions.
You can listen to the audio portion of the podcast by clicking here or through iTunes by clicking here.
You can also read a transcript of this episode.
Links mentioned in the show:
- SYS Email / Fax Blast Service
- How To Become A Screenwriter (how screenwriters on the SYS Podcast broke in)
- SYS Select Newsletter to producers
- SYS Select Screenwriting Leads
- The SYS screenplay analysis service
- SYS on Twitter
- SYS on Facebook
- SYS on YouTube
- Our free guide, "How to Sell Your Screenplay in 5 Weeks!"
Get insights into contracts with Entertainment Attorney Christopher Schiller's webinar
Screenwriter Contracts Decoded

Ashley Scott Meyers is a screenwriter and blogger / podcaster. Since beginning his career as a screenwriter in the late 1990’s he’s optioned more than two dozen feature screenplays and sold a half dozen. And he’s done it all without an agent or manager, instead opting to use his pragmatic screenplay marketing guide which he teaches at