SELLING YOUR SCREENPLAY: Screenwriter Jan Arado Talks About Her Recent Screenplay Option

Ashley Scott Meyers interviews Jan Arado about her recent screenplay option to a producer. They discuss how option agreements work and what should be in them.

In this episode of the podcast Jan Arado talks about her recent screenplay option to a producer. Since this is her first option, she has lots of questions about how option agreements work and what should be in them. So I thought it might be interesting to let her ask me questions about her option agreement and have me answer them for you on a podcast episode, as I'm sure other people probably have similar questions.

You can also read a transcript of this episode.

Links mentioned in the show:

Get insights into contracts with Entertainment Attorney Christopher Schiller's webinar
Screenwriter Contracts Decoded

Ashley Scott Meyers is a screenwriter and blogger / podcaster. Since beginning his career as a screenwriter in the late 1990’s he’s optioned more than two dozen feature screenplays and sold a half dozen. And he’s done it all without an agent or manager, instead opting to use his pragmatic screenplay marketing guide which he teaches at