Become a VIP at Screenwriters World Conference at No Extra Cost
Now until August 30th, add another $350 to the value of your Screenwriters World Conference West full conference or Total Access Pass registration – for no extra cost! Register today…
Now until August 30th, add another $350 to the value of your Screenwriters World Conference West full conference or Total Access Pass registration - for no extra cost! Register today and you’ll automatically receive this special VIP Package, giving you valuable tools and resources to drive your writing career forward - subscriptions, audio recordings, plus inclusion in a directory sent to agents after the event, and more!
The Screenwriters World Conference VIP Package includes:
- Screenwriters World Conference West 2013 Audio Recordings
- Inclusion in the Pitch Slam Logline Directory (sent to Screenwriters World participating pitch slam agents/execs at the close of the conference)
- 1-year subscription to
- Writing Successful Loglines, Query Letters, and One-Sheets - On–Demand Webinar
- $50 Gift Certificate toward Screenplay Development Notes critique
- Extra drink ticket for the Saturday night networking event
- A surprise VIP welcome gift
This special VIP Package will help you maximize your investment in attending the Screenwriters World Conference and provide you with valuable skill - and career development resources long after you leave Los Angeles!
You'll need to act fast though; this special offer of a FREE VIP Package ends on August 30th.
Use our editor's discount code JEANNE913 for $50 off registration for the
All Access OR Individual Full Conference packages!
Editor Note: The biggest benefit of the package (besides the fact that it’s free with your registration) is the added exposure that their work will get with the agents and execs after the conference has ended – with their inclusion in the Pitch Slam Logline Directory (sent to Screenwriters World participating pitch slam agents/execs at the close of the conference). Don't miss your chance to get noticed even after the event is over! ~ Jeanne
*Everyone who registers or who has already registered for the full Screenwriters World Conference or Total Access Pass by August 30 will automatically receive the VIP package.

Top screenwriting and film publication, founded in 1989, published by Active Interest Media. Twitter: @scriptmag