A WRITER’S VOICE: ‘Tangerine’ – All You Need Is A Want and an iPhone

Jacob Krueger discusses how creating a movie, and writing a screenplay is actually a process not of manipulation, formula, or replication, but a process of removing our own masks and revealing something about ourselves, not only to our audience, but also to ourselves.

Tangerine is a brilliant illustration of just how little you need to actually succeed as a screenwriter or a filmmaker. To make a successful film you do not need millions of dollars. To make a successful film you do not need years and years and years of experience. To make a successful film you do not need to follow the rules or follow a formula. To make a successful film there are really only two things you need: You need a Want, and you need an iPhone.

Tangerine was shot entirely on an iPhone 5s. And not only does it look beautiful, but it also tells a compelling story, taking two characters on a profound journey of change. And, though it doesn’t have the most complicated plot in the world, the simplicity and the drive of its main characters’ wants provide it with a rock solid structure.

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The founder of Jacob Krueger Studio, Jacob has worked with all kinds of writers, from Academy and Tony Award Winners, to young writers picking up the pen for the first time. His writing includes The Matthew Shepard Story, for which he won the Writers Guild of America Paul Selvin Award and was nominated for a Gemini Award for Best Screenplay. To follow Jacob’s blog or learn more about his Screenwriting Workshops, Online Classes, and International Retreats please visit WriteYourScreenplay.com.