Monday Morning Editor Picks: The Business Side of Screenwriting
As writers, most of us would love to crawl into a cave of solitude and write, write, write, only coming up for air to pour another whiskey, eat some Nutella,…
As writers, most of us would love to crawl into a cave of solitude and write, write, write, only coming up for air to pour another whiskey, eat some Nutella, and rehydrate. But a writer's success depends on not only a great script, but also an understanding of the screenwriting business.
Here are some of the resources I have used to help launch my career:
1. Sell Your Screenplay Premiere Collection - Everything you need to perfect a pitch, all in one place. Get a package of products at a major discount... $251.94 value for only $99.00!
- Hollywood Screenwriting Directory
- Screenplay Query Letter Critique
- Writing Successful Loglines, Queries and One Sheets On Demand Webinar
- Pitch Like a Professional On Demand Webinar
- The Writer's Digest Guide to Query Letters eBook Edition
2. Breakfast with Sharks by Michael Lent - This was one of the first books I read about the screenwriting industry. As a marital artist, my #1 rule is to learn as much as I can about my opponent. Michael keeps it real.
3. Breaking in Outside of Hollywood On Demand Webinar ... by moi. No, I don't get a kickback on this product. I merely am sharing the link for those who want to learn how I navigate the industry from my country home in New York. Knowing how to market yourself and connect with people in L.A. via social media is essential for a writer's success today, whether you're in or out of L.A.
4. Mind Your Business: A Hollywood Literary Agent's Guide to Your Writing Career by Michele Wallerstein - Michele is a regular columnist for (The Business of Screenwriting) and a literary agent of 30 years. Her book is full of information screenwriters need to know in order to have a long, successful career.
5. Screenwriters World Conference - I am a HUGE fan of pitchfests and conferences. Almost all of my connections have generated from attending a pitching event and then expanding those connections online afterwards, meeting friends of friends, etc. Not to mention, if you come to Screenwriters World Conference, you'll be sure to meet up with ScriptMag contributors too... myself included! Come say hi in person and join the fun of learning and networking!
Jeanne Veillette Bowerman is the Editor and Online Community Manager of Script Magazine and a webinar instructor for The Writers Store. She is Co-Founder and moderator of the weekly Twitter screenwriters’ chat, #Scriptchat, and wrote the narrative adaptation of the Pulitzer Prize-winning book, Slavery by Another Name, with its author, Douglas A. Blackmon, former senior national correspondent of The Wall Street Journal. Jeanne also is President of Implicit Productions and consults with writers on how to build and strengthen their online and offline networks as well as face their fears in order to succeed in writing and in personal peace - a screenwriter's therapist. More information can be found on her blog, ramblings of a recovered insecureaholic. Follow @jeannevb on Twitter.

Top screenwriting and film publication, founded in 1989, published by Active Interest Media. Twitter: @scriptmag